Friday, February 26, 2016

The Decision

My initial rationale with signing up to be a Norwex Consultant was honestly, all about myself! I wanted to receive the products I was LOVING at a discounted price. Who doesn't love a great deal? This mindset didn't last very long. 

Norwex does a wonderful job offering you incentives to get you motivated to get your business up and running. They offer you a starter kit, which you earn for free if you sell a certain amount of product within 90 days. (Bonus, your starter kit is included in the 90 day total.) This is completely doable, they also offer you more free product (score!) by reaching goals along the way during those 90 days. 

The more free products that arrived at my door, the more I loved and SHARED Norwex with my friends and family. In fact, I am fairly certain I Norwexed-out my husband. Opps...I bet he tuned me out anyways... 
This is where my mindset was altered for the first time. At this point I had a, "This is too good, not to share" theory. My friends and family all heard about Norwex. Some loved it, some were probably sick of hearing about it, some may have only viewed a few facebook posts and continued on with their day.  I remained on this theory for a much longer time, throughout the 90 days and a few months beyond. Recently, however I had another, you could say epiphany.
I, a veteran teacher, would often become a bit nervous (whether it showed or not) prior to a demonstration. I worried about what people thought of me, the product, the price, budgets, would all the demos work correctly (they always do, so I don't know why I worried about this). Would I remember everything that was important? The list goes on and on. 
This made me consider why I was becoming nervous before a Norwex Demonstration, but I was not while teaching - where the stakes are considerably higher. Could it be talking in front of adults? Maybe I wasn't comfortable? This is where my new epiphany developed. In the classroom, I was so concentrated on engaging my students with the lesson, their learning, and needs that I didn't have time to be nervous. 

To be honest, still do get a tingle of - maybe nerves, before a demonstration. However, I feel that it is probably much, much more excitement for the wealth of knowledge that is about to be unleashed. 

So, what changed? My goals. I realized my goal for the demonstration was the hurdle holding me back. I no longer hinged my success on the dollar amount of the event, but rather I set 2 goals for myself. (If you have attended one of my shows since this revelation you already know this!)
Goal #1 To educate those who came to the event about a healthier, more effective, and efficient way to clean 
Goal #2 For all New "Norwexers" To Blow Their Minds!
Since I shifted my focus, I have able to relax, have fun, and really enjoy the "ah-ha" moments that every teacher loves! That moment when you have blown someone's mind! I can tell you, my first time 'students' are captive audiences. Asking questions, loving our 'experiments', sharing predictions, and trying things themselves. 
The teacher in me loves it!
I can tell you that completing Norwex demonstrations satisfies something deep within me which has been placed on the back burner since my husband and I decided that I would resign from teaching 2nd grade and become a Stay At Home Mommy. (Which is the absolute BEST job in the entire World I must add.)

At our demonstrations we laugh, we joke, we play games, we tell stories, we savor the "ah-ha moments" and we learn along the way! 

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